About Architecture – Restoration of Dartlo Village

Earlier this year the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia (MDF) launched a project to restore the vernacular architecture of the medieval village of Dartlo village in Tusheti. The initiative is part of a larger project, called “Kakheti Regional Development Project” that is developing tourism in Kakheti.

Dartlo village is one of the most beautiful villages in Tusheti. Situated 2000 meters above sea level in the Alazani River gorge it rests on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus Mountains.

The project will repair many of the buildings in the village and restore traditional features, such as slate roofs.

There are three main types of dwellings in Dartlo: Traditional, Transitional and Modern. The traditional type, fortress-houses, have between 2-6 floors and an attached fortified tower. The transitional type of housing is similar to the traditional fortress-houses but often have roofed balconies and additional constructions for storage. This type is called “Karseani”.

The following photographs show what the buildings look like now and what they will look like after restoration.

Houses and Tower before Restoration

Houses and Tower after Restoration

Houses in Dartlo Village before Restoration

Houses in Dartlo Village after Restoration

Dartlo Village after Restoration

GEORGIA ABOUT applauds this important initiative which will help to preserve Dartlo’s rich architectural heritage.

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12 Responses to “About Architecture – Restoration of Dartlo Village”
  1. These are interesting houses. Again, looks like we’ll have to come to Georgia.

  2. Shary Hover says:

    I love the texture of the stacked stones. Beautiful! Any idea how long the restoration will take? Is the village still inhabited?

    • The village is still inhabited Shary but mainly during the summer months – for the rest of the year the road to Tusheti through the Abano Pass is impassable and the village is cut off. The villagers usually spend the winter months in Kakheti. I’m not sure how long the restoration will take.

  3. Jodi Stone says:

    The workmanship is just stunning. What a beautiful country you live in.

  4. Very impressive!! Are the stones some type of slate?

  5. sorrygnat says:

    I love reading this blog! the Pictures are awesome. If you have not experiencd a 60% increase in tourist traffic, I’d be surprised!

  6. fostrickson says:

    That looks like a wonderful place. Sort of reminds me of The Shire a bit! 🙂

  7. 2browndawgs says:

    What a great project.

  8. Great post! Love visiting places that have been restored! This is a great job by those in Georgia! 🙂

  9. Carlos Henrique Koncke Fiuza de Oliveira says:

    Fantastic,now DARTLO will be certainly on my itinerary when I will visit your beautiful country next february,hopefully the road will be fine.What a spetacular sense of beauty,preservation of your outstanding and unique culture!!!!Bravo a million times for this marvellous project, I am touched by such dedication and love put into it.This project should be used as an Eixample to many rich countries that do not see the importance of protecting, preserving their culture, traditions,art and crafts which are the soul of nation and its people.Thank you for such inspiring work !!!!!

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